Mrs. Oakley (PK Director) looks to be surrounded by a bunch of turkeys this morning!
Mrs. Cheek and the HS art class did a great job on the Veterans Day parade!!
Thank you, Veterans, for your service.
Happy Birthday to Mr. Ingle!!
The drama department and Mr. Manning had two incredible performances of “Murder Takes the Veil”! See more pictures on our Facebook page.
Last night was amazing. Tickets will be for sale at the door. Doors open at 6:00 PM with hamburgers, hotdogs, peach cobbler, and more available!
Congratulations to the cross country team at the state meet!!
MS Girls - Second Place
HS Boys - Third Place
K2 had a great time in their pumpkin patch trip!
Chess Club with Mr. Law on a Wednesday!
The K4 classes had an incredible time at Fogleman's Farm!
What a busy week! From outdoor class, field trips, cross country meet, pastor's breakfast, and HS parent thank you dinner it was a great week!
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Fogleman (Office)!!
Tonight's the Night! Come join us!
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Oakley (PK Director)!
Happy Birthday to Mr. Loflin (Administrator) and Mr. Bodley (HS)!!
Today was our favorite character day! Tomorrow is senior citizen day.
Today was our favorite character day! Tomorrow is senior citizen day.
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Snow (Office)!
Today's Spirit Week theme was Farmer Day. Tomorrow is Favorite Character Day! Dress as your favorite Bible, book, or movie character!
Spirit Week Day One. A few pics of today's career day. Tomorrow is dress like a farmer day!